![]() I have been a subscriber of the “Let it Go”. It makes sense, right? Just let go of the thing(s) and the thought patterns that no longer serve my highest good. I do let them go and I feel empowered by my new desire to replace fear with Love. Yes, I am ready to do this- Live a Life of Love. Then, along comes another similar scenario and BAM! I find myself smacked in the heart with fear once again. I get so upset with myself because I know better. I understand fear feeds off of drama and I am able to recognize my old patterns, often while they are happening. It's stopping my reactionary thought process that is challenging. It’s as if by trying to let go of my less than favorable emotions, I end up creating a boomerang affect. This makes me feel trapped in a torturous tornado of my own thoughts. It squashes me and my loved ones. Once again, I am back at the beginning trying to let go of hurt. Now, the thing is, once I become aware of my thoughts I am already empowered to remove them. But how? I believe it can happen naturally by following the increasingly insistent inner voice of my higher self*, the voice that is telling me that I feel so much better when I am not hurting. The higher self is always working to achieve and maintain harmony, wholeness and balance. So instead of trying desperately to ‘Let them Go’, as I have in the past which ultimately has caused them to come back around again, I follow the path of purification, and I align with my higher self, the space within me that chooses love over fear. Here is where the emotions can no longer be sustained in my mind. They can no longer be sustained because I recognize the effect of them and I consciously want the opposite of this hurt. The application of a willful intent to remove them usually works by itself. The key is to realize they’ll go when I am totally accepting and non-judgmental, that I actually don’t need them to leave. Thus the attachment is broken. Forgiveness happens and there’s no longer anything for them to grasp onto. I’m going to say this again- the key is to realize they’ll go when I am totally accepting and non-judgmental, that I actually don’t need them to leave because no matter what is happening I am able to pause and consciously choose to not be effected. There is no longer anything for the fear to hold on to. I’m not anger, I’m not sad, I’m not jealous. This opens up a space for Love, or at the very least neutrality, to reside. For me, this feels FANTASTIC! (*Higher self- some refer to this as the soul, the heart, the Divine, etc. It is simply that space where I know without doubt I am Love. When I speak of Love, I am not referring to the romantic kind. The Love I speak of lies within. It is always present – it’s unlimited, eternal and infinite. It is about the unfolding of the true self. It is me loving, with no rules or conditions, purely and openly, myself and all life.)
FairchildIn the fall of 2011, Mike and I moved to a small farm in Central Illinois where we immediately found ourselves rescuing horses. The rescue was not part of our original plan, but we felt the calling while doing a search for a pair of ponies we did plan on caring for on the farm. Since childhood, my entire extended family and I have been horse owners. Mike and I wanted to continue this tradition. Upon searching the internet for a pair of ponies, we were overwhelmed with the number of horses that needed a rescue and/or a home. Pony-tale Archives
October 2019
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