"Wild Pony"
Geronimo came to The Farm on June 10, 2012. He would not allow us to touch him. This photo (taken one month after his arrival) captured a big moment for the shy guy: allowing Mike to actually hold his hand between his withers and shoulder. We have not touched his body any further than this. Geronimo, by all sense of the word, is very sensitive. And let’s not forget he was neglected by being nearly starved to death, kept in a space too small for a growing boy and most likely never really touched by human hands. After a couple of weeks assessing Geronimo’s personality, and a few mistakes along the way, we now understand that he responds best when he feels safe and a task is repeated again and again until he feels comfortable. Geronimo is super smart. He just wants to take things at his pace. So if he takes a step back, we take one too, this creates a space between us. And even though he is sensitive and afraid of many things, he wants to fill that space; he wants to be close to us. He trusts us because we have put in the time with him and we have listened to his needs. We have shown him a new way where love conquers ALL! Mike has a real sweet way to help Geronimo feel safe. He sings to him! Geronimo’s favorite songs are Lionel Richie’s “Sail On” and “Basin Street Blues” by The Gentleman’s Agreement. Sometimes Mike will ask me if he is being too coddling with him. Given another day, another horse, I may have said yes. But watching the two meet in the middle where love and joy delight, leaving fear in the dust, literally, is so very inspiring!!! ~Fairchild